Saturday, 27 July 2024
Staff Email

Reform Coordination and Service Improvement Department

The Reform Coordination and Service Improvement Department was established by the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation. The Department has two Divisions, namely the Reform Coordination Division and the Service Improvement (SERVICOM) Division.

The scope of the Reform Coordination and Service Improvement Department is to provide strategic guidance and assistance to the office of the Permanent Secretary on implementation of all reforms and work closely with Bureau of Public Service BPSR on the coordination, implementation, change management, monitoring and evaluation of all reform initiatives and activities in the MDA.


The Department performs the following:

  1. Provides advice, leadership and guidance on all matters of reform and innovative practices in the MDA, including special assignments;
  2. Coordinates, monitor and evaluate the implementation of reform activities and programmes to ensure that reform objectives are being realized in the MDA;
  3. Conducts and support research and analysis on public service reforms implementation efforts, and in particular, those with policy implication;
  4. Disseminates information on all aspects of public service reform activities in the MDA;
  5. Collects baseline data on service delivery issues and levels, and identify critical areas for reform;
  6. Liaises with Reform Coordination Directorates in other MDAs on cross-cutting reform issues;
  7. Maintains a regular flow of information on reform issues between the MDA and BPSR;
  8. Monitors social, economic and political trends that might affect the MDA’s implementation or support for reforms and make recommendations to enhance service delivery; and
  9. Conducts surveys, internal and external, to identify impediments to high performance and develop interventions to overcome challenges.


  1. Carried out Compliance Assessment of all the Airports in the country in December, 2014
  2. Participated in the inaugural edition of the Bureau of Public Service Reform Seminar Series
  3. Commenced preparation of some instruments and indicators in the NEPAD Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) for adoption by the Ministry
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