Saturday, 27 July 2024
Staff Email

Procurement Department

The Department is responsible for the organisation and coordination of all procurement activities in the Ministry in line with the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and other extant regulations as well as maintaining relevant records.


The Procurement Department has the following mandate in line with the Office of Head of Civil Service of Federation (OHCSF), Ref. No. OHCSF/MSO/985/Vol. 1/58 dated 8th April, 2013:

  1. Assessing procurement needs, designing procurement plan and analyzing cost implication of the proposed procurement;
  2. Assembling and collating briefs on contracts from various Departments;
  3. Preparing tender notices for publication, receiving Bid documents and examining them to ensure conformity with the Public Procurement Act 2007;
  4. Evaluation of Bids to ensure Value for money;
  5. Maintaining records of proceedings of Ministerial Tenders Board Meetings;
  6. Conveying award of contracts to successful Bidders;
  7. Collating statistical information on tenders and award of contracts for use in planning and research;
  8. Liaising with Stock Verifiers and User Department/Units to ensure that works/goods/services delivered are in conformity with specifications and contract terms;
  9. Receive and maintain appropriate documentation for obtaining a “No Objection Certificate” to Contract Award from the BPP and make submission to the entity’s Tenders Board;
  10. Debrief bid loser’s and resolve complaints and disputes, if any;
  11. Obtain and confirm the validity of any performance guarantee;
  12. Execute all Contract Agreement;
  13. Maintain records of price data, register of suppliers/contractors for the Ministry, schedules of payment, appropriate fees for tendering, etc;
  14. Liaison with the BPP or any other Organization/Agency on matters relating to Contract Awards, etc;
  15. Procurement compliance monitoring of all projects in the Aviation sector; and
  16. Carry out procurement audit of all Agencies in the Aviation Sector.


  1. The Department processed the procurement of two (2) No. IVM 6800 Diesel AC, 33 Seater Staff bus which was approved by the Ministerial Tenders Board
  2. Processed payments and other related issues and documents towards successful implementation of the Airport Remodeling and Critical Safety projects including the construction of the six (6) New International Terminal Buildings and Perishable Cargo Terminals
  3. Processed the following projects of the Ministry’s Parastatals whose values were within the approval threshold of the Ministerial Tenders Board:
  4. Supply and installation of NAV AIDS VOR/DME Simulator for Maintenance Training
  5. Supply and Installation of DVOR/DME and ILS equipment for Flight Training in NCAT, Zaria
  6. Equipping of AIB Wreckage Hanger; Supply, Installation, Training and Maintenance of Wreckage hanger equipment and provision of support services at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport
  7. Procurement of four (4) customized trailer trucks and four (4) 70 tons low bed trailers with cranes and winches for the evacuation of Airplane wreckage from accident sites for Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB)
  8. Processed the procurement of Insurance Policy for NCAT Assets to the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP), and subsequently to the Federal Executive Council for approval
  9. The Ministry has continued the implementation of airport remodelling projects which commenced in 2011 under phases 1, 2 and 3. Furthermore, the construction of New International Terminals at Lagos, Abuja, Kano, Port-Harcourt, Enugu and Bayelsa Airports were approved by the Federal Executive Council in 2013. There had been steady progress in the implementation of these projects especially the four (Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt and Kano) funded with the China EXIM Bank Loan of US$500 million and S100 million DMO counterpart funding.
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