Saturday, 27 July 2024
Staff Email

Planning, Research and Statistics Department

The Planning, Research and Statistics Department serves as the coordination hub for the general and strategic planning of the Ministry’s programmes, plans, projects, policy initiatives, research, data collection and management as well as inter-agency linkages.

The Department also carries out the mandate of monitoring and evaluation of these activities.

The Department operates a two Divisional Structure. These are:
i. Planning Division, and
ii. Research & Statistics Division.


The key functions of the Department are presented below, on Divisional basis.

A. Planning Division

The Planning Division which comprise of Policy and Monitoring & Evaluation sections carries out the following functions:

  1. Initiating, proposing, implementing and reviewing of Policies in the Aviation Sector;
  2. Planning and coordinating of the Ministry’s activities;
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation of Capital Projects of the Ministry and Agencies;
  4. Participating in Joint Commission Meetings, Bilateral/Multilateral Discussions;
  5. Coordination of all Federal Executive Council Matters;
  6. Collation and Evaluation of Annual work plans of Departments and Agencies in the Aviation Sector;
  7. Relations with other MDAs; and
  8. Interface with all Agencies under the supervision of the Ministry on plans, programmes, budget implementation and projects issues as well as service wide issues.
B. Research and Statistics Division

The Division consists of three branches namely Research, Statistics and Library with the following functions:-

B1. Research Branch

The key functions are:

  1. Conducting research on matters relating to Aviation Industry;
  2. Regular dissemination of Aviation Statistical information to data consumers;
  3. Coordination, compilation and dissemination of Annual Reports of the Ministry;
  4. Ascertaining through research the compliance of aviation industry in Nigeria to international standard and practices; and
  5. Steering the Implementation of the provisions of the FOI Act.
B2. Statistics Branch

The Branch performs the following:

  1. Collection of Air traffic data on passengers, aircraft frequencies, cargo and mail movements;
  2. Collation, analysis and harmonization of traffic data generated from the Agencies of Aviation industry;
  3. Production of Statistical Reports/ Progress Report; and
  4. Planning and organising statistical surveys/ programmes.
B3 Library Branch

The Branch carries out the following responsibilities:

  1. Selection and acquisition of information resources and materials (print, non print and electronic);
  2. Technical services- cataloguing, classification, indexing of information resources/materials;
  3. Readers services – reference, circulation, selective dissemination of information/current awareness services.


The Department carried out the Monitoring and Evaluation of capital projects executed by the Departments and Agencies of the Ministry

  1. Participated in the quarterly Monitoring of Federal Executives Council’s decision in collaboration with Special Duties Office under the auspices of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation
  2. The Department participated in the review of the 1st National Implementation Plan (NIP) of NV 20-20-20.
  3. Compiled and analysed Aviation Statistical data on passenger, cargo and aircraft movements
  4. The Department embarked on repair works, updating and installation of necessary softwares in the Computer Systems available in the Ministry
  5. The Department participated in the Implementation Committee on FoIA
  6. The Department provided relevant information resources to users
  7. Submitted the Annual Score Cards for the Aviation Sector to the National Planning Commission (NPC)
  8. Published the 2011 and 2012 Annual Report of the Ministry online.
  9. Upgraded the Ministry’s Digital Centre
  10. Successfully harmonized Aviation traffic data
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